Trip to The Netherlands, Spring 2023

On March 24th, 8 members finally made the trip to Groningen organised by our member Pieter Shaw, the trip having been postponed from a year earlier due to the pandemic. The itinerary included visits to churches in Noordbroek, Bellingwolde, Groningen and Leens, to play the well preserved baroque organs of the region, including the 1696 Arp Schnitger organ of the Dorpskerk (Noordbroek) and the 1733 Hinsz organ at the Petruskerk, Leens. You can read more about the trip in the members’ thoughts below.

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AGM: March 6th, 2023 – 7:30pm

Annual General Meeting at St. George’s Church, Beckenham High Street (near the Junction Station). Charlie Warren will play a couple of pieces and the Meeting will follow. Tea and coffee will be available and there will be a chance to try the four manual organ. I shall have completed my term of office at the Meeting; Norman Harper and Charlie Warren will also be stepping down from the Committee. Norman and Charlie (“especially Charlie,” says Norman!) have been largely responsible for the work associated with our Education Day with Anna Lapwood last January and with the applications for bursaries (which has had a phenomenal response). We are now keen to encourage SSLSO members with an interest in these aspects of our work to consider whether they would like to join the Committee, in order to take a leading part in this role. Norman and Charlie are willing to offer advice if it is requested.