We run an annual awards programme for those who wish to start learning the organ — a bursary for up to 5 lessons with an SSLSO-approved tutor and some music.
Advertise your recitals and events on our website, receive the monthly newsletter from our Chairman, and other emailings to members.
The SSLSO supports the Dulwich Festival: the programme includes a “Try the organ” afternoon at Christ’s Chapel, and a concert given by an international recitalist.
Liaison, joint ventures with neighbouring organists’ associations.
As well as the legalities of annual reports and finances, an opportunity to hear and play the organ of the host church, and time to say hello to the committee and other members.
Visit a range of contrasting churches and organs in the south London area and beyond; hear their history; play them; meet with
others. An informal opportunity to play through a piece to an understanding audience, in a safe environment. No limit on numbers and costs included in annual subscription; you will just need to pay for lunch/refreshments.
Take part in or observe workshops led by one of our leading professional organist members on the core skills all organists need when playing for services: hymn-playing, transposition, sight-reading, score-reading. Guidance will be given at all levels. Generally for up to 12 participants at each 2-hour session: sign up in advance and provide your approximate level so that the tutor can prepare appropriately. Observers welcome. Cost: donations appreciated on the day, as professional guidance is being given.
A professional musician talks about a chosen genre of organ music, from Sweelinck, through Brahms, to modern-day, plays
selected extracts at a range of levels, suggests recommended editions, explains technique required for the particular genre,
answers individuals’ questions and more. Open to all members. Cost: donations appreciated on the day, as professional guidance is being given.
An annual Saturday-afternoon recital given by members of the SSLSO, currently held at Penge Congregational Church. Open to all members, but ensure you sign up in advance with the Secretary. Practice time at the church can be arranged for all wishing to play. Cost: free to performers (members) and audience
A social evening, kindly hosted by members, with an opportunity to discuss and share repertoire with other members. Bring something to talk about, and music and shoes to play.
Join members for a social gathering, and to hear a talk from someone in the organ world, be it a professional organist, cleric or organ-builder. Open to all members, and partners. Cost will depend on venue, and usually includes a 3-course meal, pre-dinner drink, and coffee. Bar open all evening.
Improvisation tutorial videos by Norman Harper, to be available on YouTube through the SSLSO website. Silent-film workshop. Have a go at improvising or playing music to accompany a silent film.