Visit to Burnt Oak and Little Stanmore 12th Nov 2016

On Saturday 12th November 2016, SSLSO members visited two churches in the Edgware area of North London.

At 2pm we visited St Alphage in Burnt Oak – click here to see their website  – where a fine organ by the Shepherd Brothers is inst-alphagestalled – click here to see the specification.This splendid and extraordinarily versatile organ, with its fine case, speaks directly down the Nave: recitalists praise its versatility The organ builder, Eric Shepherd, was present throughout and he was an excellent host, together with the Rector, Father Hugh Moore. Eric gave a very informative description of the organ and demonstrated some of its delightful colours. Following this, members had the opportunity to play the instrument. More details about the organ can be found on the Shepherd Brothers’ website for which the link is .

Eric Shepherd’s recitals’ programme for 2017 has been circulated and is also available on the SSLSO website. The visit closed with warm refreshments, welcome on a chilly day.  At 4pm, we visited the “Handel organ” in the historic and beautifully decorated St Lawrence Church, Whitchurch, in Whitchurch Lane. Stuart Cowthorne, a friend of St Lawrence, was our guide to the church’s history. He shared with us his considerable historical st-lawrenceknowledge of the church, in particular, its art, the Chandos family history and the organ.  We were guided to the very cold but fascinating family crypt, and were then led to the organ. The keyboard, which Handel played when working for the Duke of Chandos, is preserved in a glass case. Goetze and Gwynne, in their 1994 restoration of the 1716 organ, used the original case and pipe work, which consisted of the front pipes, and one rank inside the case. Situated behind the altar, it sounded delightful, particularly from the Duke’s Pew, and is perfect for the music of Handel. Eric Shepherd described technical features of the organ, followed by members playing a range of music, a considerable amount of which was by Handel and his contemporaries. The link to information about the organ is , and here to see the organ specification.

Members began their journey home at 6.00pm having been charmed and thrilled by the warmth of the welcomes, and the quality and contrast between the older restored organ and the newer multipurpose instrument on which any style of music can be played. The Society thanks Eric Shepherd for organizing the visit on the Society’s behalf and to the rectors of both churches for granting permission for our visit.

Nicky Jones